Czech & Slovak Women

Renata (41 years) - Czech republic

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name: Renata
date of birth: 26. 09. 1966
zodiac: Libra
eyes: Green
hair: Dark blonde
height: 170
lang`s: English
occupation: services
interests: Film
about me: I am businesswoman. I am communicative,happy and reliable.I like taking pictures and going to nature.I am quite busy and love my job,but when I fall in love,I will change it. Ich unternehmerisch tatige Frau,kommunikativ,zu frieden und nett.Ich mag fotografieren und ins Natur gehen.Jetzt arbeite ich viel.Wenn ich aber verliebt werde,tausche ich mein Leben um.

Location Str(edoc(eský
central Bohemia, north-central Czech Republic. Prague is the capital, the best known city providing many excemplary cultural opportunities for its residents and many visitors. The south features the nature lovers Stredoceska highlands.


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